96 558 33 00 / (+34) 637 788 915 orba@gpereto.com


The elegance, modernity and simplicity of the ensemble mark the characteristics of this building. It is a minimalist home made up of two L-shaped bodies, one of which is square and the other rectangular, with different heights. The white colour and rectangular shapes are a clear example of the purest and most sober minimalism, but with an aesthetic envelope that catches the eye.

The spacious dining room, arranged parallel to the imposing swimming pool, takes advantage of the luminous reflections of the sun on the pool, which lends a magical luminosity to this ambience. An attempt was made to seek a fusion of Mediterranean character with modernism, and the result is a home that stands out for its exceptional beauty and freshness.

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Partida Plans, 4
03790 ORBA (Alicante)


Ctra. Las Marinas, 65.Km 1,2
03700 DENIA (Alicante)


Av. Generalitat Valenciana, 14
03727 JALÓN (Alicante)

Teléfono y Email

96 558 33 00

96 643 22 46

96 648 02 01
